Fluently bilingual, Emily Krispis has worked in the political, governmental, and community spheres. Her interdisciplinary experiences give her the ability to pivot quickly and understand the varying elements of an issue. She actively listens to develop creative solutions that satisfy stakeholders while adopting an inclusive and empirically based approach.

Krispis has held positions as an analyst in both the Ontario and federal governments, served as a legislative assistant to a Member of Parliament and co-founded the Association de la francophonie de l'école Munk. Her extensive experience in the field enables Krispis to navigate easily through political and socio-economic spheres. She has spoken at high-profile events and represented Canada internationally at the 2023 World Food Forum for the United Nations Association of Canada.

Emily Krispis holds a master’s in public policy—specializing in environment and health—from the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto. She also holds a bachelor's degree in politics and history from McGill University.

Emily Krispis

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