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Case Study

États généraux sur le cancer: Putting the fight against cancer back on Quebec’s agenda

The États généraux sur le cancer, organized by the Coalition priorité cancer, was aimed at bringing together players in the field to discuss governance, prevention, screening, technology, patient quality of life and data collection in the field of cancer. The aim of the day was to develop clear, measurable objectives for the fight against cancer in Quebec.

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The last major government actions to position cancer as a priority dated back to the 2016 submission of the cancer master plan – Ensemble, en réseau, pour vaincre le cancer – by the Direction québécoise de cancérologie. In 2022, six years later, experts were still predicting a significant rise in cases of advanced-stage cancer, and Quebec still lacked a concrete, long-term action plan to fight the disease.


  • Reach target audiences on the day of the event;
  • Raising the profile of the event to draw public attention to the fight against cancer;
  • Draw political attention to the cancer issue in Quebec.

Strategic orientations


Consult members and partners

The first stage of the project consisted in consulting members and partners of the Cancer Priority Coalition to define the priority topics for the day of the Estates General.


Identify themes

The information gathered during the consultation phase was used to identify the five themes for the Estates General day, the speakers and elected representatives to be invited and the journalists to be contacted. This information was also used to develop the consultation activities to be deployed during the Estates General day.


Tactics implemented to meet objectives :

  • Invitation to target audiences: patient-partners, caregivers, healthcare professionals, researchers, members of cancer organizations, elected representatives and journalists;
  • Invitation to experts: Speakers from Quebec, Canada and France;
  • Preparation of on-site consultation activities (hybrid workshops to gather stakeholders’ ideas on the future of cancer care in Quebec).
  • Creation of communications tools (information booklet, participation cards, online consultation Web platform)
  • Public relations for the event ;
  • Follow-up with all political parties and circulation of the report to them.



A total of 124 participants took part in the day-long Estates General. To inspire discussion, health governance experts from Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia and France gave talks on their respective models of governance in the fight against cancer. All political parties represented in the National Assembly took the floor, including the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé. Discussion and identification of actions to be taken in the fight against cancer took place. A consolidated report including ten concrete actions to fight cancer in Quebec was made available to all Quebec political parties.