Public Relations

Communication plan

A real strategic pillar, the communication plan ensures consistency of your communications in pursuit of your objectives. TACT fosters an integrated approach, where nothing is left to chance.

Media strategy

The world of media is evolving at a frantic pace. Are you looking to make your mark in it? TACT has developed cutting-edge expertise in this field and can assist you in developing a relevant media strategy that is tailored to your needs. Our turnkey service includes anything from contacting journalists, to coordination, preparing spokespeople and interview support. The networks and knowledge of TACT experts make sure that you speak to the right person, in the right way, at the right time.

Positioning strategy

The image projected by an organization is important, but it’s sometimes difficult to position oneself in complex ecosystems. TACT uses its intelligence as well as its ability to grasp and analyze your organization’s DNA in order to support your optimal positioning.

Content Drafting

Key messages, a website, newsletters, social media content, and press releases are all essential tools for good communication. TACT can assist you or take charge of drafting this invaluable content to help your organization better communicate with your various stakeholders.

Donations and Sponsors

Donations and sponsorships maximize the influence of your organization and generate commitment in your teams. Generosity is a proven tool, but you still need a method and to avoid spreading yourself too thin! Your involvement must be organized and coherent; TACT makes sure to support you with tools that can assess your initiatives and redirect them if necessary.

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