Data Intelligence

Led by our Director of Citizen Behaviour and Statistical Analysis, our research bureau, Le Compas, uses a detailed and ingenious approach to uncover and analyze in-depth data supporting your influence strategies. By combining advanced technologies, credible sources and a sense of analysis and reflection, Le Compas will provide you with credible figures and results, which will be produced in accordance with the highest scientific standards.

Surveys and Polls

Public opinion polls and internal polls allow you to take the pulse of the population, stakeholders or employees regarding specific issues or projects. Our experts will make the most of the data collected so that it can be used as part of a government relations strategy, for press relations or to improve the effectiveness of a communication plan.

Citizen Behaviour

Knowledge of research in human psychology can maximize the potential of your communication strategies. TACT is familiar with analyzing important data about the behaviours of the citizens that you want to communicate with through tools like Google Trends and social media.

Data Collection

TACT experts use the help of web crawlers to collect information available on the internet in a fraction of the time it would take a human to do it. We also offer monitoring and analysis of survey results for large organizations.

Content Drafting

Following data collection and analysis, our team of experts is available to popularize, summarize and draft communications such as white papers, briefs, reports or open letters to help you stand out—in a clear and concise way—in the public eye.

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